Friday, December 19, 2008

Drink Green Tea Every Day

As many of you probably know, besides writing this blog, I also have a video site by the same name. I have produced over 200 videos, with topics ranging from fitness and health, diet and nutrition, self-help and how-to, motivation and inspiration, as well as dozens of funny vids and original songs, like I Miss My Hair.

Quite a few of these videos have been well received, and I have gotten hundreds of wonderful comments from numerous blog posts like Do You Believe? and Is It Just Me? and Just Do It? Ten Tips to Get You Started. But one video stands out from the rest.
Why does it stand out? You got me?

DRINK GREEN TEA EVERY DAY is not one of my best videos, if I say so myself. It’s kind of long and uneven in spots, if you ask me. In fact, given that it was one of my earlier efforts, I’d even go as far as to say that besides being nowhere near my Top Ten List, it‘s probably not even in my Top Fifty.

So, again, why does it stand out? And, more to the point, why am I making this big (okay, maybe semi-big) deal about it?

10,000 and counting!

Well, besides always wanting to call attention to healthier ways to improve your life (like the amazing health benefits of drinking green tea daily), my green tea video also happens to be, by far, my most watched. In fact, this very informative and worth-watching vid (even though it’s not in my Top Ten) recently registered its 10,000th view on YouTube. This is a modest milestone on this popular site when compared to some viral vids that get that many views an hour, but when you consider that 10,000 represents the total views my next three videos combined have received, then you can see why I have taken this moment to call attention to this (semi-) remarkable achievement.

So, without further ado, for those of you who have not had the pleasure of viewing my most watched video, please enjoy:


And for those of you who would rather read the book than watch the movie, here are some of the amazing health benefits you may get from of a daily diet that includes ingesting green tea:

* Helps you lose weight
* Aids in digestion
* Encourages regularity
* Lowers risk of cancer
* Reduces LDL cholesterol
* Fights diabetes
* Loaded with antioxidants
* Strengthens tooth enamel
* Helps to lower blood pressure

Besides green tea, two other excellent sources of antioxidants are yerba mate and rooibos teas.

Yerba mate is found in the rain forests of Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. Considered a sacred beverage, it is a high-energy stimulant that is also loaded with nutrients. The leaves of the mate tree naturally contain 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, and loads of antioxidants. Naturally sweet, this tea is delicious, a great afternoon pick-me-up, and one of the healthiest beverages you can consume.
Rooibos is a red bush tea grown in South Africa. Caffeine-free and high in antioxidants, this tasty tea is also filled with vitamins and minerals and has been known to relieve allergies, colic, and skin conditions, as well as sooth digestion and fight cancer.

DRINK GREEN TEA EVERY DAY is not only my most popular video, but one that has received the most feedback. Here is a sampling of a few of the questions I have gotten from this vid and my responses:

Q: Is it better to bring the water to a full boil or just before?

A: This, by far, has been the most controversial subject of debate in my tea vid. I use a teapot and bring it to a full boil, which purists say one should not do. They prefer the water temperature right before it boils. But when steeping the tea in a cup, like I do, versus keeping the leaves in the pot, the water temperature is just about right, since it loses heat from pot to cup. Check out this site for more about this subject.

Q: What are better, teabags or loose leaf?

A: Another controversial topic, but one I feel is all about personal preference, and for me, convenience. I drink at least five cups of tea each day so using teabags are fast and easy. When my life slows down and I can take a few more minutes each day to relax and enjoy the ceremony of using loose tea leaves, I will probably do so, but until then, its bags, baby! For more about this topic, visit this site.

Q: Are teas like Lipton green tea good?

A: I always answer these questions with one word: ORGANIC. Whenever possible, I choose organic. Why? Because if your goal is to improve your health by drinking green tea, then drinking non-organically grown teas is not helping. In fact, I suggest going organic with any and all foods you ingest: no pesticides, naturally grown, and a lot more healthier for you.

Q: Are bottled, sweetened iced teas good for you?

A: Read the label. If the ingredients say green tea and nothing else, and if it is organically grown, then you will get the same healthy benefits as brewing your own. But lots of these bottled iced teas are loaded with things you should not ingest. A safer bet is to make your own ice tea.

Green tea, yerba mate, rooibos, and even black and white teas are head-over-heels better beverage choices than soda, and a nice change from your daily cup of joe. Loaded with antioxidants, natural vitamins and minerals, they not only taste delicious but may just help you change your life for the better.

Until next time…




Sandee said...

I love and drink green tea every single day. Very well done.

Have a great day and weekend Mike. :)

Anonymous said...

Great post, Mike! I read on the site that matcha green tea is the highest quality, I got some at our so-op and I have to say it is a beautiful green color but it tastes somewhat like swamp water.
Also some of the teas have high levels of flourine which can cause problems, and the teabags can have dioxins in them, so of course organic is so much safer.
My favorite is honeybush, it tastes a bit like pine needles and looks like rooibis. I get it online at SF herb co (San Francisco) check it out they have an amazing variety and great prices. Also, I just make a pot of tea in a coffee maker, I've been doing it like that for years. My kids and I all drink green and herb teas so we make a few pots a day. We get all kinds of herbs from SF and combine them in various combinations, kinda fun.
Another favorite is dandelion, chicory (roots) and roasted carob, sort of coffee-like, though I don't exactly remember what coffee tastes like!

Barry said...

Yes, thanks to you and your video, I am drinking green tea now.

I still drink other beverages, but green tea is threatening to take over.

What have you done?

Martin MY said...

Hi Mike, firslty I hope your pain is subsiding and the New Year brings harmony to your health.

Good review post, sounds like you'd love it in Bulgaria, everything is organic ad free of pesticided, preservatives and chemicals. They have a great range of locally prudced teas mainly herb based the favourite is linden picked fresh from the trees in the streets and dried for winter, great! They can also be used 10 times over!

Anonymous said...

I will watch the movie when I have a sec :) congrats on that 10K achievement!

I did want to add that I drink green tea every day. I make it in my iced tea maker (ironically from Mr. Coffee) and mix it with organic flavored herbal teas to make it even more interesting and keep the variety going.

And when the weather is colder, I drink it hot, of course. You already know I go organic as much as possible and I agre wth you on making that green tea organic as often as possible.

Anonymous said...

i actually do drink green tea everyday, but only at work because the coffee is so bad. i read that you have to have at least 5 or 6 cups of it daily. i only drink 3 to 4, if that, a day.

Anna said...

Just wanted to stop and wish you a very Merry, Happy, Joyful Holiday, whichever one you celebrate! :)

Dori said...

I love green tea too and it's good to know about all of those benefits. Your video is great :)

Anonymous said...

i visit this site a million times a week, and this is the first time i've slowed down to read, and it was awesome. Great post, I love Green Tea, and now I have a reason to drink daily :)

lina said...

Great post & vid. :-)

I drink green tea every day but haven't switched to organic tea yet.

AVCr8teur said...

Now I know what you're drinking in that green cup when I see your Entrecard card. :) I know green tea is good for me, but I feel it doesn't have a lot of flavor so I don't drink it as often as I should.

Paul Eilers said...

I drink green tea every now and then, but have been meaning to do so on a daily basis.

One time we were in the grocery store, and there some some bottled green tea. When I read the label, however, this product contained high fructose corn syrup, so I passed.

Good to see that you made it home safe and sound. Hope all is well.

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

That post made me thirsty for some hot green tea, water is boiling right now :-)
As for bottled-canned green teas, I have started to drink GURU Green Tea with honey-lemon. I'm not sure if you approve this? Its an energy drink but its organic and all
Keep up the good work, congrats on the 10,000, checked it out on youtube!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,great article. I have great faith in green tea. Have you ever tried Yerba Mate tea? I order mine from Aviva at by the pound. One of my favorite flavors is lemon myrtle because it reminds me of the tea my mom made for us as kids. Back home, Dominican Republic, tea is the first and last drink of the day. It's also the drink of choice for when anyone feels any type of ailment, from a headache to the flu. This is a really great article and by the way, I do love your hair video the most. Thanks for sharing.

Laura said...

Hi Mike!

Nice post. I still haven't gotten on the green tea habit but with all the health benefits, I need to.

I've got some link love for ya on my latest post, "6 Helpful Entrecard Dropping Tips".

Merry Christmas!

Raquel said...

Hi Mike, how are you doing? I hope you're doing fine especially after the operation.

Anyway, great post. I started drinking green tea about six months ago. I think it's a big help for losing weight. I also noticed, my bowel movement is regular too.

Now, I have a question. Is it really true that lemon helps to increase our metabolism?

Anonymous said...

Green Tea not only have the property to lost weight, it also have high antioxidant. Good for your health and keep you young

Anna said...

For when you decide to go "loose leaf", this little baby is great!

Sandee said...

You and yours have a very Merry Christmas Mike. :)

Ish said...

Happy Healthy Holidays to you and your family!!!


Barry said...

Have a great Christmas Mike.

I hope your comments about not worrying about what you eat at Thanksgiving also apply to Christmas!

Monica said...

Hi Mike! Merry Christmas to you & your family!

Anonymous said...

I love hot tea, though I don't always go for the green variety. I'm fond of black teas, though.

L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

Here in India we are so used to drinking tea with lots and lots of milk in it that I would say green tea will have to be an acquired taste. I actually bought a lot of green tea as I had heard that it is good for cholesterol. Now I have so much of it, while I try to like its taste.

Hope green tea can be stored for a long time ;)

wow 10, 000 is a great achievement! Merry Christmas and in 2009 hope you have many more achievements :)

L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

oh and nice video!

The Fitness Diva said...

Happy Holidays to you, Mike! ;)

Fitness Diva

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
I too love green tea. I have a little Japanese tea pot that I use with loose green tea. The best I've ever had came directly from Japan.
My wife is from Brazil so I was exposed to mate there in Brazil. I typically have it the way they do in South America with the gourd and long meal straw.
Happy New Year,

Dwacon said...

White tea is also good. And a bit of Oolong don't hurt.

Anonymous said...

Great recommendations for us tea drinkers. I've been drinking green tea since I was young and my grandma would make us a pot. Congrats on hitting 10,000 views for your video - that is something to be proud of.
Happy New Year Mike!

Juliette Vestal said...

Wow, congratulations on the 10,000 post. I also did not know that green tea was so good for you. Yes, I know that you must think that I have been living under a rock but I really had no idea how good green tea is for our bodies. Great post keep'em coming.

Bad breath and green tea said...

Interesting and позновательная article. On my blog to the devoted green tea of such information is not present. All I recommend to esteem

Romangreek said...

I once heard a Chinese proverb about tea "It is better to go three days without water than one day without tea". Many people just don't understand the many health benefits tea provides. Just watch the sugar!!!

Anonymous said...

I’m sure you already know but add one more plus for green tea.
This study out of Newcastle highlights some of the benefits green tea offers through its polyphenols.