Thursday, May 21, 2009

Do You Deserve a Break?

Do you? Of course you do. I know I certainly do, from time to time. Recently, it's been one of those times when my workload has gotten heavier, my ability to deal with the normal stress and pressures of everyday life has been lacking, and issues that should be easier to handle seem to pile up and create huge mounds of trouble. What do you do in times like these? Me? I take a break. Sometimes all I need is a few hours away from the everyday: catch a movie, take a longer than usual walk, hop in the car and drive, call a friend, dive into a good book. All these solutions work more often than not.

And sometimes, when all else fails, and the guy who fancies himself as a good distributor of endless commonsense advice to all who seek it, has few answers...except to take a longer break away from what ails him. Like this one:


I consider myself a driven person, someone who, ahem, lives life 365, someone who, on a daily basis, tries to learn something new, further develop his mind, body, and spirit. Laugh, yes, as often as I can, but also someone who works long, hard hours because I not only enjoy the effort, but have lots I want to accomplish in this life and never enough time in the day to do all that I'd like to do. But there are times, as I mentioned earlier, when I HAVE to pull back, especially when all that hard work, good as it can be for the soul, starts to push back and begins to wear me down, mentally, physically, and spiritually. What do I do?

I take a break and escape to a place that is quiet, spectacular, and revitalizing. Like this place:


Okay, I cheated, they're the same place. But that's a good thing! I am blessed that I have been able to afford, locate, and find the time to visit some of the most amazing, and relaxing, places in the world. Some free advice: You should too!

One of the principles of livelife365, besides striving to live a healthy, positive, happy, and purposeful life, is to take time to do the things you need to do for self. There is nothing selfish in working on creating a better self, a happier self, a more complete self. There IS a fine line between being self-driven and being selfish, a tightrope that we all need to precariously walk from time to time, balancing the challenges of daily life. But a tightrope that needs to be crossed nonetheless. I recently took a walk and talked about that very thing.

And then, not long after that walk, I hopped in the car and drove for hours, my amazing wife at my side, feeling the stress melt away as the roar of the ocean got closer. And then I took some time for self, in a relaxing, reinvigorating environment, and enjoyed a much needed, and merited, break.

I hope your break, if you need one, is as satisfying and revitalizing as mine was.

Until next time...




Jan from BetterSpines said...

Thank you Mike. I could feel myself relaxing as I visualised your trip to the ocean. You brought it to life for me.

betchai said...

i run to the ocean too whenever i feel like i need to take a break, the powerful crashing of the waves just works powerfully also in taking away the stress. though i do love hiking in mountains, forests, canyons and desert, but it is in the ocean where i am used to seek refuge. love your message.

LisaNewton said...

This is what Travelin' Local is all about, finding a place locally where you can relax and take a break.

Vacations are great, but a short weekend close to home will often do the trick...........:)

fanie said...

Thanks. great article
Traveling really bring lot of fresh new energy to me. Really enjoy it. Listening to music and doing exercise also can help to.

I also share some tips about health. Feel free to visit my website.

Evelyn Lim said...

Love your post! I go to the beach or to the park, whenever I feel somewhat stressed. Connecting to nature rejuvenates me. I always come home feeling refreshed.

Unknown said...

jan: thanks, there is something about the ocean that helps sooth this savage beast...

betchai: i, too, enjoy the desert and mountains, but water rocks...

lisa: we escaped for a few days and it was better than an rx from the doctor...

tes: all great tips, thanks for dropping by...

evelyn: we all get stressed from time to time, the secret is dealing with it, not suppressing it...



Gopal said...

Relaxation from the daily routine is most essential and the best form of relaxation is to retreat to some wooded areas or some beaches where you watch the high waves dance menancing towards you and ultimately calm down before you leading you to enjoy its formations. You return home revitalized.

Andrea said...

I took a break the othe rday for a long, relaxing bike ride and it was lovely. My kids were home with me the following day and we had a lovely time. Excellent advice!

~My Autism Insights

Bill Lisleman said...

thanks for that
I wanted to take that drive once but as luck would have it - it was closed because of a golf event. Do you golf? I don't. I think some of the golfers don't relax either.

The ocean or any big body of water is refreshing.

It's all about balance.

Unknown said...

Oh yes are so right I need a break. Thanks for this post and for visiting my blog. I have plans to take a long break away from the daily routines of our home, kids, work, everything. For now, I sit out back with my green tea in the silence of the morning just as the sun comes up.

Unknown said...

g.kannan: well said...thanks

andrea: bike rides or long walks are great because they help you get away while getting your exercise too...

lisleman: yes, i golf but never there, and there are a lot of golf courses there...balance is a good thing

yira: that sounds ideal; just you, some tea, and the tranquility of a sunrise...bliss

reallylife said...

i`ll do sir

Cascia Talbert said...

The Pacific ocean is beautiful. And the sound of the waves is really relaxing. I agree with you sometimes if we get stressed out and busy it is good to just take a break like you did. Good luck on your big projects coming up!

Maude Lynn said...

I relaxed a little just listening to the waves!

Unknown said...

reallylife: cool...

cascia: thanks, i have big plans and big ideas and a lot of hard work ahead...but excited to get it all done

mamazen: i love the sound of the ocean...

happy memorial day...

Sagan said...

It's wonderful how much more productive we are when we take a break! Absolutely essential.


Glad you could get away and take a break! You deserve one! The ocean does it for me but living in Kansas that can be tough:)

Robin Easton said...

This is very important for me becuase my work load is so intense right now. I am really finding it hard to take time for myself. I'm not a workaholic and have always been able to find balance and get up and walk away, let it go completely and do something good for myself. Usually that's hiking for me. But with work deadlines it has not been as easy to hike except for my early morning walks that aren't as long as I would like. So, as I'm writing this I realize what happens is, beause I can't take a BIG chunk of time I tend not to take any time. Wow, I just saw that now. And yet I found your video very peaceful and it was very short. So it makes me think that maybe I STILL need to do a short walk around the block or simply a 10 minute sit in the garden or whatever. I realize now as I write that I have to do this. Thank you my fun friend for helping me to see this. If you have any other wise words or ideas please share them. I can use all the advice I can get right now. Lol! :)) Thanks mike. Hugs, Robin

turisuna said...

In my hometown it was easy to find beautiful beach when I felt stress or sad, but now since I move to other town for job, it's difficult to go to beach, it's quiet far from here, miss my hometown :(

Unknown said...

sagan: can't produce without first relaxing...

heidi: true, kansas is a long stone's toss from the water...

robin: good luck with all your projects, but if anyone can figure out how to deal and produce it's you...

turisuna: we all, at times, miss our hometowns...i know i do.

