Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stay Tuned...

For those of you who are sick of staring at the same post for these past several days—good news! I have returned from an emergency trip across the country and I am armed and ready and willing to write some new stuff. I appreciate all of the wonderful comments on my last post about my very successful humorous music video, I Miss My Hair. And really appreciate your patience with my keeping that post up while I was away. I did manage to sneak in a few hours here and there to try to keep up with Entrecard drops and other social networking chores, but, for the most part, I was busy with family matters.

Hopefully, in future posts, I will be able to elaborate more on why I was called away, but I can say that it was a paradoxical trip Back East to my hometown—part celebration and part dealing with some of the challenges life hands us. I will say this: I enjoyed my time spent with my family and was inspired, thankful, and thrilled to be a part of my brother’s wedding.

While I was away I was tagged twice and nominated for two blogging awards. I have not forgotten these wonderful honors. I will respond to all four in my next post…which will be forthcoming very soon.

Until then, it is good to be back. The photo I chose for this post represents my mood; happy, but still in a bit of a fog.



Anonymous said...

i did rub my eyes when i landed here looking for your bald head post (no hurt intended). welcome back.

Karen and Gerard said...

Nice to meet you. I don't think I've seen your blog before. I noticed it on someone's blogroll so thought I'd check it out. Nice picture to use for this post!

Anonymous said...

I have to say I love the fog in the back ground of this photo. :)